Saturday, July 28, 2007

"Be joyful always". We can't always have things happening according to our wishes, but we certainly can choose to stay joyful. Adversity is not an option but negative feelings towards adversity is. One secret to stay joyful comes from contentment. Staying contented is really the key to happiness. The fastest way to become richer is to be more contented with what you have. You may be groaning, "what is there to be contented about when i lost everything?" True, we may have lost a lot of things, but the fact that if you still can complain got to show that you still have your breadth, that is greater than any riches you can accumulate. It is not the end of your life if you are still breathing. I agree that is is easier said than done. But we need to begin to realise that happiness does not depend on the situation, it depend on how we perceive it, it depends on your choice